NOTE: In consideration of COVID-19, we can meet personally with proper social distancing and wearing masks, as desired by our clients, or offer ZOOM sessions.
Please click on each picture below. When the document appears, print it to complete.
We are "In Network” providers with:
• Anthem Blue Cross
• Blue Shield of Connecticut
• Connecticut Department of Social Services
Also, The Healing Tree LLC is is a MultiPlan provider and accepts healthcare plans
covered under this policy. The MultiPlan Networks are identified on the member ID card.
(See logos below.)
All other insurance plans will be processed on an out of network basis.
No insurance coverage?
We can use an adjustable fee schedule based on a sliding scale basis,
ranging from $60.00 - $85.00 per session.
Payments are payable at the end of each session by check or cash
for those individuals not having insurance coverage.
IMPORTANT: Cancellation Policy
If you do not show up for your scheduled therapy appointment, and you have not notified us
at least 24 hours in advance, you will be required to pay the full cost of the session.